Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Well today was the big day.  Hannah had to be at the hospital at 6 am so we drove up to Atlanta last night and spent the night.

Needless to say she was not nervous a bit.  She slept better than she usually does at home. :)

Before her little procedure (cast off and arthrogram) we met with the Dr. and he was going over what he expected and how he expected things would go.  He said she would either be put back into a cast or a maybe a brace.  He even went over the different types of casts that he may choose to use and even told us if another cast was the case, we were looking at ANOTHER 4-6 weeks.  Even the nurses were going over instructions for another cast, and the car seat rental people even called me to confirm that we would need to keep the harness system because our daughter was having a spica cast change. 

 I said all of that to say.........we were bracing ourselves for another round with the cast.  We were just anxious to see what kind.  

Welllllllllll.....Hallelujah!, Praise The Lord! GOD had different plans. 

 When the Dr. came in to meet with us when everything was done, he shared with us the news that Hannah was cast free!!!!!!  AND brace free!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) 
Everything was healing so nicely, he felt she would be fine without anything.  We really have no restrictions.  Just let her go at her own pace with movement.

She sat still on the ride home

but has not stopped since we walked in the door.  She is already scooting around everywhere. (she just keeps the left leg pretty straight and kicked out to the side:)

She even got to take a bath tonight.....a real bath :)
and I had to get on to her for trying to stand up in the bathtub!!!!  There's no stopping her now :)


Philippians 4:6

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Cast Life

If you ever hear anyone say Spica (type of cast Hannah has) start praying!! Pray for whoever is in the cast, and pray for the ones taking care of them.  This has been a trying time around our house for sure, but we go on Wednesday (Aug 28th) to find out our next step.  My prayer at first was that after 6 weeks we would come home cast free, but as we get closer I pray that we come home with good that everything is healing/healed amazingly well!!! Whether we come home in a brace or another cast, I pray for healing!!!

That being said...we know the cast that she is in now WILL be taken off on Wednesday, so I decided to show a few "cast life" pictures to pay tribute. :)

Bath time is now on the vanity :(  I AM able to get her head under the sink to wash her hair though :)

  The cast itself is huge! It makes her weigh about twice as much as she would without it.

But it has not slowed her down much. 
 She has learned how to turn over, and she can even lift herself off of the floor for short periods of time.
And if you notice, she usually has a smile on her face (usually!! ;)

She stays in her stroller a lot (cause it's the only thing we have that she can fit in), but she will also get down on the floor and play with toys.......and yes, she can make a mess :)

It is hilarious to see her laying on her side and playing.....her leg just sticks straight up in the air :)

All of this going on with me back at work, and we now have 
                            a Kindergartner        and         a Second Grader
at our house.  :)

I can't leave this post without sharing some words that I heard this week that warmed my heart AND brought tears to this ol' Mama's eyes............

* Hannah has been saying "love you", but the other night while I was laying with her at bedtime she leaned over, kissed me, and said, "LOVE YOU, MAMA" :) :) :) :)

*Hannah is at the stage in her language development where she is proud of herself for knowing, and she likes to tell me what everything is.  The other night we were coming home, and when we pulled in the driveway she said, "HOME".   I know to some of you this doesn't seem big, but it meant the world to baby knows she has a home!!!!