Saturday, June 22, 2013

Catching Up

We have been busy, busy, and I've got a lot of catching up to what better way than by pictures :)
Since I blogged last, Hannah has......
 gotten her first haircut
(more of a trim really :)

attended her first Vacation Bible School 

had her first ice cream cone

celebrated Father's Day at the pool 
(she even took a break for some good ol' watermelon)

and taken two beach trips
first to St. Simons

then to Panama City

We have also found out some not so great news.  Hannah's left hip is dislocated and has to be repaired sooooooo, we have postponed the hand surgery and she will be having surgery on her hip/leg on July 12th in Atlanta.  After the surgery she will be in a spica/body cast for at least six weeks.

PLEASE KEEP OUR FAMILY IN YOUR PRAYERS!!!  Stephen and I both know without a shadow of a doubt that we are smack-dab in the middle of God's plan for us, but we also know these next few months are going to be a little trying to say the least. (surgery, me going back to work, kids starting back to school, and a two year old in a body cast!!!)  But, we also know that this little "bump in the road" was no surprise to our amazing God.  We are so thankful to have Hannah home with us so this could be found and treated.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Has It Really Only Been Two Months?

Today marks two months since our "Gotcha Day."  WOW!   It really seems like much longer than that to me. Stephen and I talk all of the time about how it seems like Hannah has just always been a part of our family, and she has really only been with us for two months (and home for six weeks)?!?!  I know it sounds cliche, but we really can't imagine how our lives were without her.

 Just think, two months ago Hannah hadn't even met MK and Deacon, and now she tattles on them daily (by name :).

She has learned/changed so much in just these two months

  • she will now stand (assisted)
  • if she falls on her back, she can now get herself back into a seated position
  • she can get on her hands and knees by herself AND support her body weight AND hold her head up for way more than 20 seconds
  • can say many, many words in English and seems to understand most anything we say to her
  • new hairstyle (no bangs :)
  • goes to sleep without crying (because we lay down with her and then move her to her bed after she falls asleep)

She has also turned into quite the little stinker!!!!  Instead of the cute little pout, now when things don't go her way we get a full-fledged fit!!!  "Terribly Twos" in full force.  We tell ourselves that those fits just show she is comfortable with us. (right??!?!?)

To celebrate two months, I snapped a few pics :) :) :)

My beautifully sweet, headstrong, stinker!!

Please keep us in your prayers as we have several things coming up (health wise) with Hannah.
  • she will start physical therapy soon to gain strength in her lower body so she can begin to stand on her own and then walk :)
  • she will go to Atlanta on June 11th to see the lower limb specialist
  • and the biggie....she will have surgery on her right hand on June 26th