Thursday, December 19, 2013

T'is the Season...... go, go, go, and we have been doing our fair share.  As if all of the Christmas festivities weren't enough, Hannah had surgery on both of her hands on December 13th.  She is now in double arm casts.

Yes, cast has become a "four letter word" at my house :)  But as always, she is a trooper!


.....and after

But once we got home, it was business as usual :)

And now for a few more festive photos......

Meeting Santa for the first time.  
Yep, the only reason she got this close was for the candy. 
 She was not a fan! :)

My big girl at Church one Sunday Morning. 
 She can stand with little support now. :)

Christmas Parade 
(little blurry, sorry)

And I can't leave this post without sharing my new favorite Christmas Song.  I'm sure it's probably been around forever, but I  just heard it today and could not hardly hold back the tears.  Loooooovvvveee it. Check it out.

Praising the Lord tonight that it's Christmas time again and now you're HOME, Hannah Grace.

This Mama couldn't ask for more.  I have all three of my precious babies at home with me, but please pray for those families that are in the adoption process and are spending Christmas apart from their sweet little ones!!!  Having been there, it is an indescribably lonely feeling.