Thursday, February 28, 2013

my God is an AWESOME GOD!

Ok,....... so throughout this adoption I have related to songs to get me through.  They were kind of like my encouragement and assurance.  For example, in the beginning I clung to Jeremy Camp "Walk by Faith".  When we were waiting on approvals it was "One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails)".

Well, now that we are getting a lot closer to traveling, and everything is getting real, AND I am getting a little anxious about flying......for a a foreign country.....and staying there for 2 weeks, I really find comfort in the song "Already There" by Casting Crowns.  I keep reminding myself that our Lord is already there in China, with Stephen, Hannah, and me and He's "got this" :)

So, tonight Stephen had a late ballgame, I had both kids asleep, and finally had some "me time", and I decided to look up the video on YouTube and watch/listen to this song for some encouragement. You know how when the video is over, other related videos will come up.......well I found this one (see below) and decided to click on it to check it out.......

.......boy o boy! This is one of those moments where it is sooooo obvious that God is speaking directly to ME.  Check it out (to the end) and you will see :) :) :)

Only an AWESOME GOD :)  :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

a big ol' THANK YOU

First of all I would like to say thank you to the Young Adult Sunday School Class of Rebecca Baptist Church!  Thank You for the wonderful baby shower yesterday for Hannah.  Everything was beautiful! Thank y'all for NOT letting me be hardheaded about the shower :).  I am so glad now that we will have those memories and pictures to share with Hannah one day.

Thank you to Rebecca Baptist Church members for always being there for Stephen and me.  Since that first Sunday morning that we shared with you what the Lord has called us to do, y'all have been our prayer warriors and a great support!!!  

Thank you to ALL of the friends and family who have supported us through this adoption!!  Words could never express how truly blessed we are to have you in our lives, or how blessed Hannah will be to have you in her life. :)

Last but not least, a big ol' THANK YOU!  to the LORD OUR GOD for making all of this possible.

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Baby Girl

we got an official update on Hannah today so I can share a little updated information (really just size) and best of PICTURES! :)

She is now about 19 lbs and about 29 inches long.

.......oooo, I can't wait to get my arms around her :)  I feel so blessed to call her MY daughter.  Thank you Lord for your blessings on me!!! :) :) :)

Friday, February 1, 2013


ok, so for about 2 1/2 weeks now we have been waiting on our Cable Letter to come in the mail so we can begin our Article 5 process.  (yes, I realize if you are not, or have not adopted this means nothing to you), but please understand that you must have this before moving on.....this letter means you are one step closer to bringing your child home.  Well, I have to admit, I have been kind of obsessing over this cotton picking letter, and guess what....... came in the mail today (yay!), but as soon as I opened it, I was convicted.  This measly piece of paper had consumed my thoughts and prayers.  I had let not getting it put a damper on my whole week (well, really 2 weeks ;), and as soon as I had it in my hand all I could think of was how silly I had been.  My GOD was in control the whole time.  I quickly realized how that piece of paper was so small compared to My God and His Greatness!!  The same God that called Stephen and I to begin this journey about 15 months ago is still in control!  He IS faithful and will see his plans come to be....... HIS time not mine.