Wednesday, April 17, 2013

We're Home :)

Well, thank you Lord we made it home.  We were greeted at the airport by both sets of Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, and cousins........but best of all MK and Deacon.  It was great.  Hannah really took to everyone easily. Of course there are kinks that we are working through (mainly going to sleep and sleeping in general :), but all in all we could not ask for things to be better.

 It is so evident that our's is the family that God intended for her to be in when she was wonderfully made!!!

All of my babies together....finally :)
(notice the big ol' grin on my face)

This is what was going on at my house at about 2:30 am Sunday morning.

Hannah loves........

riding in the wagon,

jumping on the trampoline,  

and just playing and being silly with her big brother and big sister.

She even had fun today playing with her cousin Brooklyn.

But, I would have to say, so far her favorite thing to play with is the toy kitchen.
Who knows, my baby may be on the Food Network one day ;)

We can't say enough how much we appreciate all the prayers that were sent up on our behalf.  They were truly felt.  Please continue to pray for our family as we transition into our new normal.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you all are home! You have 3 beautiful, healthy children....God is so Good!!! It's a blessing to be able to watch her grow with Deacon and MK! Miss you!
